There are four main areas of my life that are in constant battle with each other for my time and attention. Each morning I wake up and have choices to make about what the day will be about and how I will feel about each task no matter if it is a good task or one I dread. I've enjoyed my new plan to journal on line instead of just writing my thoughts on paper but I wonder how I will feel about this on line journal thing as the years go by.
My first blog journal in July of 2006 was set up to help me with a fast way to show my art work on line but before I knew it, It was more about faith, family and friends. Slowly I deceided to split the journal into four sections. The strangest thing happened then, I found that at any one given time one of the four really demanded more of my time and attention than the other three. It also helped me see my success' and failures easier.
I don't log my conversations with God each day, but it's the most important part of my day. I don't say that because it's spiritually correct, but because it's true. This past week I've been very weepy with so many sad things cropping up in my mind. As I watch the senior members of my family grow older and have many health concerns, it makes me reflect more and more about their lives and of course mine. I have been truly blessed by God to be able to have Jesus in my life. I've stumbled so many times and so many times He has been there to come to my rescue. There I go again with the weepy tears. What a friend we have in Jesus.
.:. The SOP (standard operating plan )... don't forget it!
- Daily dress routine complete with vitamins
- Eat a healthy breakfast
- Walk around the block
- Prayer time
- Lunch -Health fruits,vegetables& water
- Paint weekdays and work on organization
- Healthy Snacks
- water
- Dinner - Healthy fruits,vegetables &water
- Sleep
- Log Morning weight on calendar