Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Routine

" And in the morning, long before daylight, He got up and went out to a deserted place, and there He prayed "... Mark 1:35

Most mornings I wake and just automatically get up. This morning I just took my time and listened to see if I could hear the morning wake. It's still dark outside and I didn't hear any birds. They are sleeping too. It's been so warm the last couple of days I turned the heat off so there is no noise from the heat ducts either. The house was silent except for the patter of Cocoapuff who was jumping around like a crazy cat. She was hungry and demanded I get up, so I rolled out of bed, fed the cat and made my coffee. So the routine begins.

I have to admit, if it were not for Cocoapuff, I probably would have stayed in bed a little longer this morning. Looking out the window, it's going to be a beautiful day, and I plan to sit and drink my coffee while I feel myself fully wake up. In the Bible we are told to seek God for a fresh word each day. Doing this early starts my day right and from there I can travel the tangents of my life easier. To be still and listen to God each morning is the part of my morning I most look forward to and I thank God for this time in my life.

"If you seek Me early and diligently, you will find Me" ... Proverbs 8:17


Annette said...

my cat does the same thing, demand's that I get out of bed at a certain time, who need's an alarm clock? I'm going to try and start praying in the morning's before the hustle and bustle start's. God bless you

kimberly said...

thank you for the quiet your words bring to me....and for the reminder. have a wonderful day.

Joni said...

My day begins in routine also and a big part of my routine is spent in thanks....then I try to assess myself in relationship to the day and figure out where exactly I'm going to make a difference...some days God has other plans for me and I do well just to get through the day. These are the days I'm trying to listen harder to what God is trying to say because EVERYDAY should be filled with the fruits of God's purpose...all of this over a cup of coffee to help clear the cobwebs.

Word of the day.
